Our Family

On August 7, 1972 two of my aunts shared the "Romans Road" from the Bible. Even though I was only thirteen, I already knew I was a sinner. Everyone else saw me as a good kid, but I knew my thoughts and wicked desires. I knew if I died in my sins, hell would be my eternal home. My greatest concern is that they would ask me to confess my sins.

Soon I realized from the Scriptures that God loves sinners and died for my sins! God already knew all my sin, confession before man was not necessary. I prayed trusting in the finish work of Christ and my life changed that night. I began reading the Bible the day I got saved, church became my second home, and the fellowship of God´s people became my desire.

About a year later God called me to preach. During my teen years I preached in youth, taught Sunday School and work in the bus ministry.

My mama and I faithfully attended church every Sunday and mid-week. When I was six I went forward with several friends during VBS. I had stolen something and I thought that I need to be saved from “that” sin. Not understanding that Jesus Christ died for me on the cross of Calvary that He was buried and rose again on the third day. That eternal life was a free gift and all I had to do is to receive Him. I would pray earnestly for my dad to be saved and yet I was counting on being a “good girl” to get me to heaven. I went forward at end of chapel when I was eleven. Many thought that I was again praying for my daddy but I told my teacher that I need to be saved. I am thankful for God´s saving grace.

Shortly after that I gave my life to the Lord. God gave me many opportunities to serve through visitation, camp, choir and teaching. So many times as a child I would pray for the one the Lord had prepared for me. After Jerrold and I had met and married, I saw how God protected and kept both of us over the years. I´m so thankful for his leadership in our lives.

Birth Days:

Jerrold                               August 1

Karen                                March   9


Jerrold & Karen        October 10, 1981